Friday, 18 November 2011

Have I mentioned I love French-tip style manicures?

So I work a fairly typing-intensive desk job, and also do rather a bit of sewing (with the pins and the wrangling of machines and all else that tends to wreak havoc on unsuspecting polishes), and this means that my nail polishes tend to chip fairly quickly. OH NOES. But although I loved my pink glitter gradient from the beginning of the week (it lasted Sunday-Wednesday, which was not toooo bad, and would have done a lot better with top-up topcoats) I had Other Plans Up My Sleeve, and this was one of them. I love the look of French tips in a contrast or coordinating colour, and when I bought OPI's Your Royal Shineness last week, one of my immediate ideas was to use it as a tip detail. 

This idea was backed up when I swatched it on my nails - it's an odd all-over polish, and the fine metallic shows up every single dent or imperfection in your nail (although this might be somewhat remedied with a base coat). But as a French tip (and as a gradient over a dark polish, as I discovered last week but did not photograph because I don't even know why) it works super-well. The base colour is OPI Steady as She Rose, which I've mentioned before is supposed to be a grey-rose, but comes out very lavender-grey with faint pink hints, so works perfectly with a slightly dirty silver.

Aww yeah. The little bit that look as if they're missing from the silver tip are actually just light reflection. I would like to take a moment to crow over the surprising success of my freehanded tips, also. AWW YEAH.

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