Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Nail shinies: understated half-moons

I love the look of half-moon manicures, and recently discovered that you can do them very easily using a circular sticker-label cut in half and applied to the base of your nail. This is a clear base coat, two coats of OPI Barefoot in Barcelona and another clear top coat (I love the colour, it reminds me of milk chocolate).  The stickers I used were slightly too big a circle, so the half-moon isn't quite as round as I'd like, but I love this effect and will be trying it again in other colours. It strikes me as a twist on a classic nail and could possibly be subtle enough for a job interview or something of that sort.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vanessa, it's Layla here, I've been trying to get in touch with you! If you could get back to me at the usual email that would be great. Thanks.
